


“面试官是通过一个对话的形式,来评估您的孩子的学习潜力和整体的个性。对话的中心会围绕热您孩子目前的学习经历,特长,无论是学习,体育,艺术 ,社区服务,领导力,或其他的特别兴趣。”(The interviewer is focused on evaluating your child’s academic potential and overall personality by engaging them in a guided conversation that centers on your child’s current school experience, particular strengths–academic, as well as, athletic, artistic, service, leadership, and other special interests.)-摘自Private School Review


“将面试想象成一个学校希望了解您孩子是一个怎样的人的方式。这不是一次审问,而更像一次对话,学生应该避免回答“是”或者“不是”这样的答案。”(Think about the interview as a tool to help the school get a sense of who your child is. Ideally, it’s less like an interrogation and more like a conversation, which is why the student should avoid giving yes and no answers.) -摘自NAIS(美国私立学校国家协会)


“学校希望看到学生是否能够清楚的表达自己的想法的能力,以及是否能够开展一个对话。学校希望通过面试来了解,您的孩子是否与学校适合,是否有上进心,以及以后的成功潜力。”(Schools want to see how articulate the student is and if he/she can hold a conversation. Overall, schools are trying to identify if your child is a good fit, how motivated they are, and how likely they are to succeed. ) -摘自Examiner